PlayIN’clusive is a 26 month long strategic partnership project initiated by young people which aims to promote the importance of gamification within youth work across Europe through developing innovative games for quality improvement of non-formal education in one of the most relevant and up-to-date topic of the field: inclusion. With the development of this project idea we gave the opportunity to young people to take an initiative, to implement their own ideas and turn them into actions in a creative and exciting way. Taking under consideration the needs of our target group, the ideas and initiative of young people as well as the growing problems in Europe creating a society where social inclusion does not appear such an important value, we created the PlayIN’clusive project to provide a creative, innovative solution to these issues. The aim of the project is to develop innovative outputs to foster the inclusion in European societies through straightened competences of groups of young people by allowing them to put their ideas into action and create innovative educational tools, especially games for youth and other educational sectors using non-formal methodology.
The activities of the project were created following these objectives:
to develop the understanding of young people about diversity in societies and the importance of social inclusion
to strengthen young people’s sense of initiative, entrepreneurship and volunteering
to create games, offline and online educational tools to promote and increase social inclusion in Europe
to create innovative outputs for dissemination and multiplication for quality improvements of the European youth work
The project provided the opportunity for groups of young people to put their ideas into action and create innovation tools for inclusion useable in non-formal education. Groups of young people were invited to participate in a long-term challenge/ competition and using their own creative side to develop games which will be used in non-formal education across Europe. During the project we organised three learning and training activities reaching out to about 40 young people from Spain, Turkey and Hungary. Participants could learn about the understanding of the importance of social inclusion and also about how to use gamification techniques in youth work. There are 10 teams competing with different games developed by them until the final selection of the 3 best ones for further dissemination in the European youth field.
Gamification in this project was not only the basic topic but also a method we use to motivate young people to be active actors of this project. Organising this project in a framework of a competition made it an existing task which feels more like game. Through this element of playfulness, we intended to keep the motivation of the young people to apply in practice what they learned which will improve performance and involvement in youth work.
Project Partners

AC Amics de la Biblioteca de la Fonteta (Spain)

Yaygın Eğitim Merkezi Derneği (Turkey)

Tudatos Ifjúságért Alapítvány (Hungary)